Assorted Nuts

Politicians all over the world have discovered the World Wide Web. Whether it's The President Of the United States, The Prime Minister Of Israel, or even the dictator Of Iraq, they all have Web sites.

Tony Blair, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, has his own web site. Mr. Blair's Labour Party has it's own site as does the opposition Conservative Party. But we found that Conservative Party leader William Hague has his own personal home page on America Online. Here is the address for his site:

UPDATE:  The Hague site on AOL has been removed.   Here is a news story about the original site.

Plus, a slighted skewed version from our U.K. correspondent...

SIM COPTER with man in swimming trunks

Talk show host Oprah Winfrey, Helicopters, and men dancing in swimming trunks. It all comes together in our...

E-mail prank on Maxis, Inc. makers of SIM CITY.



We've all seen the banal and shallow personal home page. You click on a link and it takes you to another part of the author's pitiful existence. But what if each click of the mouse took you to another dimension. For your approval...

Biffy the Dog's Totally Cool Dog Web Page!

Biffy The Totally Cool Web Dog



Elvis Shot JFK - We Have Proof

It's the story that had to be told! Recently uncovered photos plus the facts that will rock this country!




What was the real reason America Online was Offline and what were the advantages. Don't miss the page The Washington Post featured in their Monday August 19, 1996 edition (Page F19).

"We won't bore you with most of the entries, which are actually kind of lame, but here are several of the 'Top 10 Reasons AOL Was Off-Line'".

All of the boring and lame entries...

PLUS! Was the Great Western Power Outage caused by an AOL disk?

Privacy on the Internet is a hot issue. By simply entering this site your browser has sent us information that tells us much about you. Perhaps more than you would like others to know. A simple CGI script creates a page "on the fly" with private information about you.

Find out what we know about you!

Yahoo!, Alta-Vista and Lycos move over. There's a new kid in town. It is a search engine that will find anything and everything. Be prepared to find whatever you are looking for in life. Take a moment to visit:


" helped me find the missing two years 
      between college and my first job."
                 Susan Ives, San Antonio, Texas

A parody of a famous web browser company whose name starts with an N.  By legal agreement we can say who.

If you're using a browser that has a little ship's wheel and a name that starts with an "N" in the upper left corner of your screen, here are some special Plug-Ins for you, including: VIRTUAL PAPAL AUDIENCE

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